Pre-K4B started off the week with a phonic’s song. We worked on listening to all our letter sounds. We also worked on how we form letters. We explored big lines, little lines, big curves, and little curves with our blocks and built together with the blocks to see what we created. We also made the shapes out of sand.
We celebrated “Johnny Appleseed” Day, we read a book all about Johnny Appleseed, and created our own pot hats just like Johnny Appleseed, and explored apples in water with our sensory table. We worked on following directions and our numbers when we baked applesauce cookies. We brought them home to share with a special prayer.
We continued to learn how apples grow, and completed the life cycle of an apple. We also made our own apples and colored them our favorite apples. We even created the core!
Our shapes this week were triangles and rectangles. We used our magna tiles to create a triangle dog, and moved our bodies to shape yoga. We read “Shapes at School” and saw all the rectangles we have in our own classroom.
For STEM, we used our rollers and green sticks to create trees. We then balanced and worked together to place pom pom apples on top. We also learned how apple trees grow. We used our SmartBoard to put the sequence together, and then followed it using our pictures.
We explored our prayer table this week too. We saw our Mary statue and rosary beads. We also saw our cross on the table and used water colors to create our own crosses to share with our families.
Thank you to Thomas for taking our Smart Cookie home for a visit. Smart Cookie enjoyed going to soccer and the playground!
*A friendly reminder that throughout the day, we check the student’s water bottles, and if necessary re-fill them with filtered water in the classroom.*
Pre-K Announcements:
If you could please return your Community Helper forms in your child’s folder if you would live to volunteer to visit.
Please bring in your Family Photo.
Please bring in your Activity/Napster payment.
Please bring in a photo of your child’s pet or favorite animal on Fri. October 4th for our Saint Francis blessing.
Please remember to check your child’s folder everyday and please remove items from it.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Kline & Mrs. Sayers