This week in Pre-K we explored our new letters “F” and “E.” We created our own fish and in our Language Art Centers we dotted, used playdough, and sand to build our letters. We also read all about elephants and did an elephant dance song for Morning Meeting.
We introduced numbers and learned about our numbers 0 and 1. We drove cars around to trace our 0, and we investigated our fish shaped ten frames and put one square in them. We also traced our ones on our SmartBoard and built our one with our magna tiles.
Mrs. Sayers shared her favorite book with us and we all listened so well!
We began learning about making good choices and how we feel if we make a mistake. We looked at our feeling chart and checked in how we felt. We also shared ideas on if we make a mistake what we can do to make it better. We also opened our puppet center so the students were able to act out their feelings.
We stomped into Dinosaur learning about fossils this week. We traced fossils on black paper and saw an interview with an archaeologist. We also used water and hammers to free our tiny dinosaurs from ice cubes.
We also investigated leaves. We read how leaves change color and painted leaves with baking soda and then dripped vinegar into them to make them bubbly leaves. We also used our dotters to decorate our classroom with leaves, and we went on a leaf hunt too. We then used the leaves for leaf rubbings.
Thank you to Mrs. Hajduk, our school librarian! She gave us a tour of the library and read “Corduroy's Halloween” to us. She also gave us coloring pages to decorate.
Our Student of the Week was Jefferson! We learned he likes to do math at school and enjoys soccer and dogs! Also, A very Happy Birthday to Jefferson! Thank you for all the treats!
Thank you Landon for bringing home Smart Cookie and taking such good care of her! He brought Smart Cookie and her first hike!
Pre-K Announcements:
If you could please return your Community Helper forms in your child’s folder if you would live to volunteer to visit.
Please remember to check your child’s folder everyday and please remove items from it.
The school will be closed on October 14th for Columbus Day.
Please remember the $6 for our Halloween pizza and pumpkin, it is due on Oct.18, cash only!
Halloween Parade-Oct. 30th at 12 by Kindergarten’s Door & Pizza Lunch-Please note it is the the Blue Mass held at our cathedral, please come early for the parade for parking.
Halloween PJ Day-Oct. 31st
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Kline & Mrs. Sayers