Monday we made cards for the needy to go along with the Blessing bags. The children enjoyed coloring winter things with their 5th grade buddies to make the cards. Blessings bags were rescheduled for a later date. We also began the letter Pp. We learned about how popsicles were made and how ice freezes. We put out two cups of water in the snow with two different amounts of water to see which one would freeze first. We also wrote and traced the letter Pp. We made pretend popsicles out of construction paper and popsicle sticks. We continued to sort various items in our room by size and color. We also played a sorting game online. We started to learn about rhyming words. We have rhyming pictures we put up for us to review in circle time. We will continue to add to them.
Tuesday we have a visit from our families. We made a popsicle craft picture frame with a Catholic Schools picture in it. We made a Family banner and drew our families. We played a game where our family had to guess what picture we drew. We sang a few songs to our parents before we enjoyed a pizza lunch and ice cream.