Happy January birthdays to Logan, Seryna and Rosemary!!
Mrs. Meier and I would like to thank you all for the Christmas gifts, well wishes and thoughtful cards for Christmas.
This week we did a review of numbers 0-10 and all the letters and sounds we learned. We played Bingo to review and used our white boards too.
We talked about the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. We recited the poem Lovely Lady dressed in Blue. The children say it so beautifully and they love Mary. We talked about Our Lady of Gudaloupe and learned about Saint Juan Diego and what he saw on Tepeyac Hill. It was amazing that the Virgin Mary appeared to him four times. The children truly love to hear about the Saints. It is so touching! We started to trace our first and last names on Friday. How exciting to learn our last names!
Also, our hw has changed. You will get a packet of three papers to complete with your child. It will be sent home on Monday. Please return it by Friday or earlier.
Good News: We will be attending Mass once a month. On the day we do children will need to be at school by 7:45 so children can use the bathroom if they need to and we will leave by 7:50. As soon as I know the day, I will let you know. You are welcome to join us if you can. We started to practice sitting at the church last month. We walked over to the church this morning to see the Nativity in church. We also practiced sitting nicely in church. We prayed the Our Father in church as well.
We learned we are in a new year 2025. We talked about New Year's resolutions and we made some of our own in school!
Please remember we go outside on days that are 32 degrees or above. Please send in mittens (which are easier than gloves) and hats for your child. We do not allow scarves as they are a chocking hazard. Show n' tell next week will be something to do with Winter. A wool hat, picture of a winter scene, snowman etc.
I will start to test the children soon for all the letters, sounds we learned and numbers and prayers we learned. As always please review all concepts that come home.