Pre-K4B had a wonderful time celebrating Catholic’s School Week. We began the week by celebrating with our Fifth Grade buddies. We created cards all together for our Blessing Bags. Our Fifth Grade buddies helped us understand how we can give to those in need. They helped us cut out winter decorations for the card.
We had a Pizza Party with our families on Tuesday. We gave them a tour of the room and later we colored a family portrait to share at home with them!
\We also finished learning about hibernation. We saw what other animals hibernate and matched different animals to their winter homes.\
On Wednesday, we made our own book about vocations. Pre-K built our own cathedrals using different blocks in our classroom, they also worked as a team to build them. We had several guest speakers visit our classroom. We had a sister, seminarian and a married couple. They all explained their own special relationships with God. In addition, we dotted crosses and made them out of playdough.
On Thursday, we all picked our own books and songs throughout the day. We shared what we love doing at school during Morning Meeting too! Our Fifth Grade buddies helped us to play a fun game of BINGO too! We created beautiful heart trees to celebrate our friendships at SFCS!
On Friday, we all worked together to make Thank You cards for our Class Mom and Office staff! We walked over to the “big school” and handed them out!
Classroom Announcements:
Please check your child’s folder for the Report Card and Signature Page on Monday, 2/3/25.
A Friendly Reminder Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Monday, Feb. 10th beginning at 1pm, it is a noon dismissal that day (no aftercare). Please email with a time.
Valentine’s Day will be on Friday, Feb. 14th, it is PJ Day! Please bring in cards (15) and a gift bag by that date.
The 100th Day of School is on Friday, Feb.21st, please dress up as you are 100 years old and we will have a pizza lunch.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Kline & Mrs. Sayers