Pre-K explored the letters “R” and “A” this week. We learned about the colors of the rainbow and learned our rainbow recipe. We also reviewed our Rainbow song. We worked on writing our “A” on our writing lines and read “Apple Pie.” We also sounded out words that had a as the middle sound too. We also began to trace our last names.
On Monday, we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King. We all watched a video on how he helped people and then we drew what our dream is to be when we grow up. We then shared it with all our friends.
We painted our hot cocoa cups with chocolate scented paint, and used cotton ball marshmallows to top it off! We also began our banner for Catholic School Week. We colored different flags for faith, community, and service.
Our number was ten. We used our fish ten frames and built towers ten blocks tall.
We began learning all about our months. We learned our month song during our morning meeting, and reviewed what month comes after January.
For STEM, we learned all about hibernation. We glued our bears into the dens we created with tissue paper leaves and cotton balls. We also used the same materials and our blocks to create a bear’s den. We matched the animals that hibernate to their dens on our SmartBoard as well.
The class recited our “Glory Be” prayer and colored it so we can share it with our families. Father Christy had a classroom visit where we prayed with him and told him all about our visit to the chapel.
Our “Student of the Week” was Lorenzo. We learned he loves the color red and art at school! Congratulations!
Classroom Announcements:
A Friendly Reminder Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Monday, Feb. 10th beginning at 1pm, it is a noon dismissal that day (no aftercare). Please email with a time.
Homework will begin to be two pages beginning this week. It will still be due on Friday. Please return your “Why I Love SFCS” papers ASAP. Please color the top and please assist your child with the sentence portion.
Please note the Catholic School Week Family Day Lunch on Tuesday, Jan. 28th times have changed. It will begin now at 11:30 am and end at 12:30.
Valentine’s Day will be on Friday, Feb. 14th, it is a PJ Day! Please bring in cards (15) and a gift bag by that date.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Kline & Mrs. Sayers