Thank you to Devin for taking Tilly the turtle home last weekend. Did you know he took Tilly to Dave and Busters and played air hockey! Sounds like fun! Soon we will be sending our second class pet which is a bee named Everlee. The children are so excited to have the opportunity to bring home a second class pet!
Joey was our Student of the Week. Did you know Joey and his family are big Sports fans! Joey also loves to jump on the trampoline! Please take a moment to read about him. This week we learned about the letter Xx and number 11. Both came easy to us as the Xx has slanted lines and the 11 has the number one which we all knew how to write. We counted to 11, sang a song, watched videos and made 11's out of Play-Doh. We sang song for the letter Xx and found words with the letter X at the end or in the middle. We also practiced on our white boards which is a huge help to us. We continue to trace our first and last names.
I have started to test the children for all letters and numbers we have learned so far. The letters are: Cc, Ff, Hh, Ii, Jj, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Ss and Tt. The numbers are 0-10. Prayers learned etc. Please review what we learn in school. February 10 is conferences for Pre-k. Please make sure you send the Conference slip back or email me a time asap. The slip went home on Wednesday. If for some reason you can not meet, we can have a phone conference at some time.
We learned about Blessed Solanus Casey and how he tamed bees. Ms. Dalton came in to tell us he was her favorite Saint and also shared a special story with the children. We also learned about how bees work and produce honey. We sang a bee song and buzzed around like bees. We even had local honey with graham crackers on Monday for snack. We read several bible stories and learned the Five Finger Prayer. We prayed the Glory Be. We will be going to Mass on January 22. Please make sure your child is at school by 7:45 as we will leave for the church at 7:50. If you are later than 7:50, kindly drop your child off in the church through the breezeway. We went to the church Wednesday to practice for our upcoming Mass.
We learned about winter animals and how they are not like people. We learned about the Artic Hare and how they stay safe in the snow.
We talked about different activities in Winter and read Winter books. We wrote our second class book: Why we love Winter! The book started to circulate on Wednesday already! Please sit and read it with your child and make a comment on the Author's page by your child's name. The children are so proud of this book and loved seeing their page when I read it.
I have sent home several important notes this past week in your child's folder and will be sending more. Please check their folders each day.
If your child goes to school five days a week, the schedule for Tuesday, January 28 (Catholic School Week) was not updated on the school website. I sent home an invitation for families to visit the classroom and have pizza. The correct time to visit is 11:30 and we will have pizza at 12:00 in the classroom.
We have started to practice cutting. Please practice at home with a blunt pair of child scissors.
Show n' tell next week will be the letter Bb. Just a reminder that Show n' tell for five day children is Thursday and three day children is Friday.
Next Friday, January 24 will be a special Cozy day. Have your child wear cozy clothes (sweat pants, sweat shirts whatever they are comfortable in. We will do some cozy things this day. Please bring a flashlight if you have one. We had an ice cream treat today from Social Concerns for when we collected food fore the poor back in December! The children enjoyed it!! God Bless, Mrs. McNulty
Looking Ahead: We will all celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14. We will set up another mailbox for children to bring in cards or goodie bags. Please no names on envelopes as it works out for children to deliver mail very easy. Again, I am asking for children to bring in a purple, red, pink, white or Valentine Medium size gift bag.