We worked on learning all about “Q” and “G.” We dotted the letter Q and colored a Queen’s crown. We also wrote our letters in sand and shared objects in the classroom that begin with letters. We ended our week by completing our letter journal. Everyone did a great job writing their letters.
We also began working on our last names. During Morning Meeting, we all shared our last names. We also have new name tags on our desk with our last names, and worked on tracing them. We made the first letter of our last name out of playdough.
Our Number of the week was nine. We counted nine in our ten frames, and dotted it. We also reviewed positions.
We continued to work on our “Glory Be” prayer and colored it to bring it home to share. We used our watercolors to paint a dove to represent the Holy Spirit. We also decorated pictures of ourselves in snowglobes that said “God made us as unique as a snowflake.”
For STEAM, we began to discover all about robots! We used our cutting skills to make a robot puzzle and used all different materials to make our own robots.
We also made a silly snowman to decorate our hallways. We worked on drawing circles to make a face. We also made our own creations when we painted with ice.
A very Happy Birthday to Valentino for sharing his special day with us, and Happy Belated Birthday to Thomas, thank you for the special treat! Also, thank you to Alexander who brought us in pizza for his belated birthday!
Classroom Announcements:
Please review the Supply List Letter, and thank you for all your donations in advance.
A Friendly Reminder Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Monday, Feb. 10th beginning at 1pm, it is a noon dismissal that day (no aftercare). Please email with a time.
Homework will begin to be two pages beginning this week. It will still be due on Friday. Please return your “Why I Love SFCS” papers ASAP. Please color the top and please assist your child with the sentence portion.
Please note the Catholic School Week Family Day Lunch on Tuesday, Jan. 28th times have changed. It will begin now at 11:30 am and end at 12:30.
Monday. January 20th is a school day, as well as Monday, Feb. 17th.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Kline & Mrs. Sayers