Since we spent the month of December learning basketball skills, we are finally ready to play basketball! Students are graded on their use of the skills that were taught: dribbling, passing, and shooting. The class is broken up into 4 teams, with 2 teams playing against each other for half of the time, and then the other 2 teams playing against each other. No matter the outcome, good sportsmanship is ALWAYS encouraged and expected!
Cat/Cow and Elbow to Knee:
Cat/Cow is more of a yoga pose. Both exercises are done on the floor in a kneeling position on all fours. In cat, the back is arched up, take a deep breath, and then curve the back in for cow. Students in grades K-2 do a set of 5; students in grades 3-8 do a set of 10.
Again on all fours, the right hand is extended and then the right elbow touches the left knee. Then the left hand is extended, and the left elbow touches the right knee. K-2 do a set of 5, and 3-8 do a set of 10.