We learned what the word Advent means and lit the first Advent candle on our Advent wreath. We learned a new Advent prayer we pray daily. Advent Prayer: Thank you God for sending Jesus to be with us Help us love each other as we get ready for Jesus' birthday Amen We also went over to the church to see the big Advent wreath. We said prayers and sat for a little while to look around at how beautiful the church is. We will be attending an 8:00 am Mass starting in January once a month. This week we learned the letter Cc. Monday we went outside to see a Christmas car that was decorated with lights on it and a Christmas tree on top. It was Mrs. Meier's son who came to show us his Christmas car and explained to us how he put the tree and lights on. It was very cool. We painted a Christmas tree for the letter Cc. We also learned about the number 9 by counting objects, practicing with our white boards, tracing the number and singing a number 9 song. We made a snow globe on Monday after reading a Snow Globe Family and Santa's Snow globe stories. On Tuesday we did a Science experiment with Christmas bells. We learned about the word carbonation and how our bells danced in carbonated soda. We even got to take bells home to try it with our families. We all went to the Santa Workshop and bought Christmas gifts for our families. On Wednesday we had fun decorating a foam Christmas tree to bring home and share with our families. Friday we had a special visitor come to us. It was St. Nicholas and he bought us a candy cane and left it in our shoe! We learned all about St. Nicholas and added him to our Saint collection. We received a prayer card of Saint Nicholas to add to our Saint collection of prayer cards Mrs. McNulty gave us. Next week's Show n' tell will be the letter Ss. We added many new Christmas centers including: Christmas kitchen that has Christmas aprons, plates, pot holders and Christmas musical stuffed animals, the writing table has Christmas cards and Christmas coloring books and we have 3 Nativity centers to play with. One is made out of wood, another is large plastic figures with a wooden crib for baby Jesus and the third is the Fisher Price Nativity where the star sings and lights up. The children really know the characters of the Nativity and love playing with these Centers. We have been watching our pink elf on the shelf named Pinky. She is a great addition to our classroom! Thank you to all the families who donated to the poor for our Advent collection this week. Next week we will be collecting: canned goods with a pull top. If your child did not bring in a Christmas gift bag please do so by Monday. Our mailbox opens Monday. As a reminder no names on cards sent in on the envelopes to make it easier for the children to deliver. God Bless, Mrs. McNulty