Pre-K 4B kicked off our week by celebrating with our Christmas Concert. Thank you to our Class Moms for creating a beautiful hot cocoa bar and treats, everyone enjoyed it so much. Thank you for all those who attended, and we hope you enjoyed the show!
We also had a candy cane hunt! We created a candy cane heart with our thumb prints to create a pattern. We then put them in our bags and found candy canes all around our classroom. We also had a special picnic in the snow. We had our picnic blanket out and enjoyed a pizza lunch.
We finished learning all about the Nativity story. We used our manger to show the story and created our own mangers using yellow Easter grass, and gluing it all together. We also colored different parts of the nativity story. We visited the outdoor manger by our Cathedral this week too.
Pre-K also loved making snow people with our playdough, and painting ornaments to hang on our tree at home. We used markers to create elf crowns too! We also made so very special reindeer food to sprinkle on our lawns on Christmas Eve!
We also lit our last two Advent candles! This month we completed different tasks to celebrate Advent, and thank you for all the donations you brought into school.
We celebrated Movie Day! We watched “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and enjoyed hot cocoa and popcorn!
We had presents to Jesus for his birthday celebration. We sat around our tree and all shared our gifts. We loved sharing all our cards with our friends too!
A very Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sayers, thank you for sharing your day with us!
Thank you for all our beautiful gifts we received, we appreciate them so much. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Classroom Announcements:
Dec. 20th is a 12 Dismissal time, the school will re-open on January 2nd.
We are looking for classroom donations of tissues and baby wipes, thank you!
A Friendly Reminder Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Monday, Feb. 10th beginning at 1pm, it is a noon dismissal that day (no aftercare). A letter will be going home with more information in the new year.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Kline & Mrs. Sayers