Rocco was our Student of the Week. Did you know he wants to be a baker when he grows up?! Tilly went home with Seryna. Did you know she went to the Lumino City Festival.. what fun!
We lit the second candle on our Advent wreath on Monday which represents peace. We also learned about the Immaculate Conception on Monday. This is when God was with Mary in a special way that helped her to do what was good. We went to see the Nativity Scene outside the church and also sang Silent Night around it. We learned about Our Lady of Guadalupe this week by coloring a picture of her, looking and praying at the big statue in our building and making red tissue paper flowers like the ones she sent to Saint Juan Diego. We learned about the letter Ss this week. We traced the letter, practiced on our white boards, sang Ss songs, made the letters out of counters and made a Santa for the letter Ss. We learned the number 10 and practiced tracing, writing and singing about the number. We used counters to count to 10. We made Christmas tree cones out of green icing and candy...what fun! We did a dress rehearsal today for the 5th grade for our Christmas show. They loved it! We are so excited to see you on Monday! We made reindeer rice crispy treats today and had so much fun! We read the Scholastic Let's Find Out about needs and wants for Christmas. We learned do we want it or do we need it. We will have our Christmas book exchange on Monday. If you wanted to have your child participate and receive a book, you need to send in a new wrapped Christmas book with your child by Monday. The Christmas show is Monday at 8:30 in our Classroom. We are looking forward to having you see it. Please only two adults per child and no siblings. December 20 is a 11:50 dismissal and there is no school on December 23. Show n' tell next Friday will be a gift from your heart for our birthday party with baby Jesus. God Bless. Mrs. McNulty